    McDonald’s revisited: when globalization goes native

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  • 2013年1月,《每日电讯报》报道了一则新闻:著名的巴黎蒙马特老城区的居民拒绝星巴克在该地区开设首家咖啡店。遗产保护组织“巴黎的骄傲”谴责这是“在蒙马特的灵魂上捅了一刀。”一位居民说:“我们必须尽一切努力阻止这种破坏行为,因为它为所有老掉牙的垃圾敞开了大门。”根据当地的说法,20年前麦当劳也曾试图在此开店,但被赶出去了。现在入侵者又回来了,只不过换了一身打扮而已。


    In January 2013 the Daily Telegraph ran a story on the refusal of the inhabitants of the famed old neighbourhood of Montmartre, in Paris, to accept the arrival in their midst for the first time of a Starbucks coffee shop. The Paris Pride heritage association denounced this “attack on the place’s soul.” A resident said “we must do everything to stop this disfiguring, as it opens the door to any old rubbish.” Twenty years previously, said local sources, McDonald’s had tried to open, but they had been forced out. Now the invader was back, just with a different disguise.

    What is it about these world-wide American food and drink experiences which can still set off such resistance in local communities wherever they choose to land? Of course this is by no means a universal reaction, in time or place, otherwise there would not be 1,700 Starbucks shops across Europe (including Russia), or 7,300 McDonald’s restaurants, with more coming even in the crisis. But the multi-faceted power of these companies, and their apparently unstoppable will to expansion, has provoked a variety of antagonisms over the years. Starbucks’ historian, Bryant Simon, talks of “pushback”. More serious is the “brand backlash” that a New York Times correspondent saw in the targeting of McDonald’s around the world at the time of the Iraq war.

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  • 在全球化的后冷战时代,身份政治在欧洲和世界上许多其他地方兴起。正如哈佛大学著名的政治科学家斯坦利•霍夫曼所言:各国社会的(西方式)生活体系越是趋同,每个社会就越想固守自己的本国特质。在许多地方,食品成了这场斗争中一个重要的论战领域。


  • 目录
    • 麦当劳重新归来: 当全球化变得本土化
    • McDonald's revisited: when globalization goes native