Radio ChopstiX: An American DJ in China(英文版)
    Radio ChopstiX: An American DJ in China

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  • ¥8.00

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  • 他四处周游,来到中国,定居中国,爱上中国,在主流媒体工作,成为中西文化交流使者。


    Fate can lead you to unimagined places and experiences. Radio waves carried him to Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. China's national broadcaster, CCTV, said that he "changed radio history in China." Millions know who he is, but few know his story.

    Radio ChopstiX is a creative radio story and more. Rick has experienced life in China from a much different and original perspective. He became a piece of modern China's history as a part of the bridge between China and the world; an "unofficial Ambassador to China!"

  • 内容简介
  • 如果你出生在上世纪七八十年代,那么在你的高中或大学时代,有一档中英双语的广播节目你应该不会感到陌生,那就是中国国际广播电台的“欢乐调频JoyFM”。十几年间,这档节目影响了一代中国人,男主播李柯也因而为大家所熟知。从台北到香港,从上海到北京,这个美国人已经在中国生活了半辈子,可是除了他的声音,我们对他似乎还很陌生。无独有偶,曾经中国最有影响力的女作家之一——三毛,在她的文字背后,一切都是那么扑朔迷离。三毛和李柯,两个如此神秘的人,真实的他们会是什么样子,他们又有着怎样的交集?《三毛的回声:一个美国DJ在中国》将带给你答案。

    Radio ChopstiX is an amazing story from Rick O'Shea, a Detroiter who became one of the most famous radio DJs in China! Starting as a street painter in Canada, he followed a radio career in Florida and Hawaii, where he took radio to a pioneering high when he created the most imaginative radio station ever- "Space Station KULA!" Radio waves then carried him to Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. China's national broadcaster, CCTV, said that he "changed radio history in China." Millions know who he is, but few know his story. This book is about how fate can lead you to unimagined places and experiences. And for the first time, he writes about his relationship with one of China's most famous writers, San Mao, whom he knew for ten years up to her tragic death in 1991. Radio ChopstiX is a radio story and much more. Rick lives in modern China where he continues to be a part of their lives on an invisible international bridge.

  • 作者简介
  • 李柯,原中国国际广播电台“欢乐调频”节目主持人。他从故乡底特律出发,游历欧洲、加拿大,在佛罗里达和夏威夷与广播事业结下不解之缘。1979年,作者来到中国,先后在台湾、香港、上海和北京生活并在广播、电视等主流媒体工作,成为东西方文化交流的使者。本书讲述了作者充满传奇色彩的人生故事。值得注意的是,书中记录了作者与已故台湾著名女作家三毛一段不为人知的爱情。作者认为这是三毛留给他的一份最美的礼物,他永远怀念她。

    Rick O'Shea, a Detroiter, became one of the most famous radio DJs in China! Starting as a street painter in Canada, he followed a radio career in Florida and Hawaii, where he took radio to a pioneering high when he created the most imaginative radio station ever- "Space Station KULA!" Radio waves then carried him to Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. China's national broadcaster, CCTV, said that he "changed radio history in China."