• 内容简介
  • 上个月,我和一群专业的摄影师一起去了台湾,这是我第一次去台湾。比起那些旅游景点,这些摄影师更感兴趣的是宝岛上的人。这也给我了一种感觉——台湾最美的风景是人。



    My first trip to Taiwan, which took place last month, was with a team of professional photographers. They were more interested in the people inhabiting this treasure of an island, than the tourist attractions it has to offer. And it made a world of difference because it clicked with my intuitive finding that the most wonderful thing about Taiwan is its people.

    It is difficult to claim to know a place and its people in a tour of one week. So I depended on my teammates for corroboration. He Yanguang, a veteran photographer with China Youth Daily, was embarking on his fourth tour of Taiwan. He first visited it in 1997. "There's not much difference," he said, "not even in the facade."

    And that lack of change could well be the most valuable lesson we carried away from this journey.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 或许,台湾称不上是最理想的旅游胜地,但它对中国传统文化的继承和发扬却功不可没。行走于台湾市井,每一个来自大陆的游客都可以在无意间碰触到华夏文明的古月流光。

  • 目录
    • 台湾之行 那么近那么远
    • Time-travel to Taiwan