• 导读
  • 生性无拘无束的吉卜赛女郎从事走私的冒险经历。

    The story begins with the narrator chancing upon Don Jose and making his acquaintance, deducing who he is but caring little for tales of him and by being hospitable he shows no fear. The two become friends and the narrator saves Don Jose from being captured. He meets him again later as a prisoner and learns from his own lips the relationship between him and Carmen. Carmen is shown as self-willed, a true gypsy, a thief and spy for a band of thieves, of which Don Jose becomes a member. He is torn between his upbringing and his love for Carmen but Carmen uses his love for her, despite reciprocating it, to destroy his morals and personality so that in the end Don Jose kills her.

  • 内容简介
  • 《卡门》反映了19世纪欧洲人对外邦情调和异域风情的浓厚兴趣。故事发生在西班牙南部的安达卢西亚,为故事所体现的欧洲文化和吉普赛文化冲突提供了丰富多彩的背景。吉普赛民族在欧洲饱受歧视,却被大众文艺所浪漫化。梅里美在《卡门》中从不同层次探讨了不同文化相遇既会带来诱惑又会造成冲突这一主题。梅里美塑造了一个举世闻名的人物形象。卡门,这个吉普塞女人大胆泼辣,敢作敢为、自由奔放,同时也妖艳放荡,甚至有着某些邪恶和轻浮的特点。

    Carmen is a novella by Prosper Mérimée, written and first published in 1845. It has been adapted into a number of dramatic works, including the famous opera by Georges Bizet. In the unforgettable story of Carmen, a flirtatious, charismatic, and amoral gypsy who bewitches and emotionally enslaves Don Jos, a desperate man, into a tragic obsession, has captivated generations with its passion and sensual intensity.

  • 作者简介
  • 罗斯佩·梅里美(Prosper Merimee,1803.9.28-1870.9.23),法国现实主义作家,中短篇小说大师,剧作家,历史学家。他是著名歌剧《卡门》的作者。

    Prosper Mérimée (28 September 1803—23 September 1870) was a French dramatist, historian, archaeologist, and short story writer. He is perhaps best known for his novella Carmen, which became the basis of Bizet's opera Carmen.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 梅里美塑造了一个举世闻名的人物形象——卡门,这个吉普塞女人大胆泼辣,敢作敢为、自由奔放,同时也妖艳放荡,甚至有着某些邪恶和轻浮的特点。

  • 媒体书评
  • 幻想与写实的交融,游记、历险故事和爱情小说三大文体的融合,尽在《卡门》。



    There is no doubt that the French-born Merimee was one of the earlier masters of the short story. —Cape Times

  • 目录
    • 第一章
    • 第二章
    • 第三章
    • 第四章