• 导读
  • Phil concluded not to go home at once, but to allow a little time for the storm to spend its force after Jonas had told his story. So he delayed half an hour and then walked slowly up to the side door. He opened the door, brushed off the snow from his boots with the broom that stood behind the door, and opening the inner door, stepped into the kitchen.

  • 内容简介
  • 本作品在美国流传了一百余年,迄今仍是美国中学生的课外必读书,作品的主人公“菲尔”、“保罗”、“迪克”早已是美国家喻户晓的人物。时至今日,作者的作品已经成为“美国精神”的代名词,成为激励一代又一代人不断奋进的强大动力。故事的主人公出身贫寒,经历一番挫折后终成大器。作品始终洋溢着一种不断尝试、不向命运低头的品质和精神,也是对“美国梦”的生动阐释。

    It is rather amusing to see how soon the cheapest clerk talks of "us," quietly identifying himself with the firm that employs him. Not that I object to it. Often it implies a personal interest in the success and prosperity of the firm, which makes a clerk more valuable. This was not, however, the case with G. Washington Wilbur, the young man who was now conversing with Phil, as will presently appear.

  • 作者简介
  • 小霍雷肖•阿尔杰(Horatio Alger Jr.,1832年-1899年),美国儿童小说作家。作品有130部左右,大都是讲穷孩子如何通过勤奋和诚实获得财富和社会成功。

    Horatio Alger, Jr. (1834-99) was a prolific writer of dime novel stories for boys. From the debut of his first novel, Ragged Dick, in 1867, Alger was instrumental in establishing a new genre of dime novels known as the 'city story.' The genre arose out of the wide-spread urbanization that followed the Civil War and paralleled the rise of industrialism. Alger's stories heroicized the young street urchins living in poverty among large, urban centers such as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. With uncommon courage and moral fortitude, Alger's youths struggle against adversity to achieve great wealth and acclaim. These rags to riches stories were enormously popular with the public and flourished in the decades from 1870 to 1890.