• 导读
  • 《邦德叔叔》是巴尔扎克生前的最后一步作品,小说通过描写穷苦人们的不幸遭遇,揭露资产阶级的腐化和贪婪。本书被许多学者誉为“巴尔扎克的后期代表作”,“是他的最大成就”,“他的艺术的最高峰”。

  • 内容简介
  • 这是法国现实主义文学大师巴尔扎克生前完成的最后一部作品,写于一八四六至一八四七年之间,与其姊妹篇《贝姨》同属“穷亲戚”研究系列,同被视为作家的天鹅之歌。通过厕身上流社会的穷亲戚邦斯的不幸遭遇,深刻揭露了资产阶级上层人物的虚伪、贪婪和凶残,是巴尔扎克现实主义小说创作中的精品,中外许多著名学者都把这部作品视为“巴尔扎克的后期代表作”,“是他的最大成就”,“他的艺术的最高峰”。

    It is one of the last of the 94 works of Honoré de Balzac’s The Human Comedy, which are in both novel and short story form. Begun in 1846 as a novella, or long-short story, it was envisaged as one part of a diptych, Les Parents pauvres (The Poor Relations), the other part of which was La Cousine Bette (Cousin Bette). The novella grew in 1847 into a full-length novel with a male poor relation, Pons, as its subject, whereas La Cousine Bette describes the female aspect of that subordinate relationship. The novella was based on a short story by an acquaintance of Balzac, Albéric Second,

  • 作者简介
  • 巴尔扎克是19世纪法国伟大的批判现实主义作家,欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基人和杰出代表。一生创作96部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧也妮•葛朗台》、《高老头》。100多年来,他的作品传遍了全世界,对世界文学的发展和人类进步产生了巨大的影响。

    Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled Human Comedy, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.Due to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. He is renowned for his multifaceted characters, who are morally ambiguous.

  • 目录
    • Cousin Pons