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  • 一部全面论述了19世纪自由主义在英国发展过程的著作。

    Published in 1911 and coinciding with the welfare reforms put in place by the British Liberal Party (1906-1914), this work enunciates the predominant political morality at the time.

    The liberalism, or libertarianism as we now call it, of John Stuart Mill had been predicated on a theory of man as competent to handle his own affairs. Hobhouse and modern liberals reject that concept, as rightly noted by Robert Paul Wolff (The Poverty of Liberalism), Gerald F Gaus (The Modern Liberal Theory of Man), and by Amy Gutmann (Liberal Equality). Man is not competent; in areas where he is competent, he may be granted freedom, but those places are few and far between. Man is, Hobhouse claims, not much different from a child. The government is the loving parent.

    Economically, Hobhouse adopts parts of Marxism, while rejecting others. Instead of claiming that employers are exploiting the workers, he claims that employers and workers are pocketing wages that rightly belong to society. To paraphrase the argument into modern terms, did Bill Gates and the workers of Microsoft alone invent the OS they sell? No. The OS they sell and and make billions off rests upon decades of collective knowledge by hundreds or even thousands of other individuals. Bill Gates is entitled to some earnings; the workers are entitled to some; and society is due the part that came from collective contributions.

    It is neither liberalism nor socialism, Hobhouse claims, but "liberal socialism."

  • 内容简介
  • 本书是对19世纪自由主义在英国发展过程进行全面论述的专著,重点在于论述弗杰里米.边沁、约翰.斯图亚特.密尔、格莱斯顿和理查德.科布登等这些有代表性的自由主义思想家的观点、彼此的内在关系以及在英国的政治和社会生活中所起的作用。也表述了作者本人关于自由主义的见解。

    L. T. Hobhouse's Liberalism, of 1911 was a pretty good restatement of Classical Liberalism at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • 作者简介
  • 里奥纳德·特里劳尼·霍布豪斯(1864-1929),1889-1921年在《自由主义》、《形而上学的国家论》、《合乎理性的善》等著作中对英国的政治和社会问题进行了深入地研究和分析,面对垄断、专制和战争趋势在西方世界的增强,霍布豪斯重新阐述了他的自由主义思想,其理论是20世纪英国政治思想主要代表之一。

    Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (8 September 1864–21 June 1929) was a British liberal political theorist and sociologist, who has been considered one of the leading and earliest proponents of social liberalism. His works, culminating in his famous book Liberalism (1911), occupy a seminal position within the canon of New Liberalism. He worked both as an academic and a journalist, and played a key role in the establishment of sociology as an academic discipline; in 1907 he shared, with Edward Westermarck, the distinction of being the first professor of sociology to be appointed in the United Kingdom, at the University of London. He was also the founder and first editor of The Sociological Review.

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