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  • 《“三纲领”是什么?“八条目”又是什么?快来一探究竟!

    The Great Learning developed from many authors adapting to the needs and beliefs of the community at the time. The Cheng brothers, Yi (1033–1107) and Hao(1032–1085) both utilized the Great Learning's philosophies. Their ideas met with strong official opposition, but were reconstituted by Zhu Xi. Cheng's idea of yi was that it was identical with nature, which he believed was essentially good. Cheng's yi emphasized the necessity of acquiring knowledge.

  • 内容简介
  • 《大学》,原是《小戴礼记》里一篇,旧说为曾子所作,当代很多学者认为实际是秦汉时的儒家作品,是讨论古代汉族教育理论的重要著作。在宋代以前,《大学》的地位并不是很突出,经北宋程颢、程颐竭力尊崇,南宋朱熹又作《大学章句》,《大学》遂成为儒家经典中重要的篇章,最终和《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》并称“四书”。宋、元以后,《大学》成为学校官定的教科书和科举考试的必读书,对古代教育产生了极大的影响。《大学》的版本主要有两个体系:一是经朱熹编排整理,划分为经、传的《大学章句》本,为“四书”之一;一是按原有次序排列的古本,即《礼记》中的《大学》原文。

    The Great Learning (simplified Chinese: 大学; traditional Chinese: 大學; pinyin: Dà xué) was one of the "Four Books" in Confucianism. The Great Learning had come from a chapter in the Classic of Rites which formed one of the Five Classics. It consists of a short main text attributed to the teachings of Confucius and then ten commentary chapters accredited to one of Confucius' disciples, Zengzi. The ideals of the book were supposedly Confucius's; however the text was written after his death.

  • 作者简介
  • 曾子(前505年10月12日—前435年),名参,字子舆,受其父《春秋》曰:鲁之狂人曾点虐待,性格阴郁,与人相处容易暴躁,紧张。 八儒之中的第三家颜氏之儒的传人,今之《论语》出于颜氏之学。春秋末期著名思想家、教育家,鲁国南武城人。十六岁拜孔子为师,勤奋好学,颇得孔子真传。一生积极实践和推行以仁孝为核心的儒家主张,传播儒家思想。他的修齐治平的政治观,省身、慎独的修养观,以孝为本的孝道观影响中国两千多年,至今仍具有极其宝贵的社会意义和实用价值,是当今建立和谐社会的丰富的思想道德修养。


    Zengzi or Master Zeng (Chinese: 曾子; pinyin: Zēngzǐ; Wade–Giles: Tseng Tzu, 505–435 BC), born Zeng Shen or Zeng Can(曾參), courtesy name Ziyu (子輿), was an influential Chinese philosopher and disciple of Confucius. He later taught Zisi(Kong Ji), the grandson of Confucius, who was in turn the teacher of Mencius, thus beginning a line of transmitters of orthodox Confucian traditions.He is revered as one of the Four Sages of Confucianism.

  • 目录
    • 大学
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    • The Great Learning
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