• 导读
  • 这部对战争中民意与政府的矛盾有着非常生动细致的描写,引人深思。此书详细描写了辛迪加战争,美国的旗帜被英国人逐渐拖倒,美国海军船舰也被火烧甚至被俘,国会接着遭受火光之灾,平原,城市到处都是火,政府人员上到总统下到普通议员,谁都不敢冒险反对人民的需求。探讨热烈的问题总是让人感到疲惫而漫长,但是不到一周的时间,人民的呼声就被对英宣战的宣告而回应。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书详细描写了辛迪加战争,美国的旗帜被英国人逐渐拖倒,美国海军船舰也被火烧甚至被俘,国会接着遭受火光之灾,平原,城市到处都是火,政府人员上到总统下到普通议员,谁都不敢冒险反对人民的需求。探讨热烈的问题总是让人感到疲惫而漫长,但是不到一周的时间,人民的呼声就被对英宣战的宣告而回应。

    Detailed accounts of the affair came rapidly, but there was nothing in them to quiet the national indignation; the American flag had been hauled down by Englishmen, an American naval vessel had been fired into and captured. Congress was in session, and in its halls the fire roared louder and blazed higher than on mountain or plain, in city or prairie. No member of the Government, from President to page, ventured to oppose the tempestuous demands of the people. The day for argument upon the exciting question had been a long weary one, and it had gone by in less than a week the great shout of the people was answered by a declaration of war against Great Britain.

  • 作者简介
  •   弗兰克·理查德·斯托克顿,美国著名作家,以一系列儿童创新童话故事闻名,他生于18世纪,但其作品历经几个世纪仍然畅销,代表作有《美女,还是老虎?》、《玛莎的家》等。

  • 目录
    • The Great War Syndicate