• 导读
  • 此书的故事发生在纽约市的一个寒酸的邻居之间。邦纳姐妹,安是姐姐,埃维莉娜是妹妹,俩人经营着一家小的手工缝制店。安在妹妹生日时送给妹妹一个钟表,这个钟使姐妹两人卷入了“最奇怪的店”的店主赫伯森事件里。很快赫伯森成为了姐妹俩的常客,姐妹俩意识到一旦舒服惯了,日常生活就是难以忍受的单调。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书写于1892年,但是直到1916年才出版。故事发生在纽约市的一个寒酸的邻居之间。邦纳姐妹,安是姐姐,埃维莉娜是妹妹,俩人经营着一家小的手工缝制店。安在妹妹生日时送给妹妹一个钟表,这个钟使姐妹两人卷入了“最奇怪的店”的店主赫伯森事件里。很快赫伯森成为了姐妹俩的常客,姐妹俩意识到一旦舒服惯了,日常生活就是难以忍受的单调。

    "Bunner Sisters," written in 1892 but not published until 1916 in Xingu and Other Stories, takes place in a shabby neighborhood in New York City. The two Bunner sisters, Ann Eliza the elder, and Evelina the younger, keep a small shop selling artificial flowers and small handsewn articles to Stuyvesant Square's "female population." Ann Eliza gives Evelina a clock for her birthday. The clock leads the sisters to become involved with Herbert Ramy, owner of "the queerest little store you ever laid eyes on." Soon Ramy is a regular guest of the Bunner sisters, who realize that their "treadmill routine," once so comfortable, is now "intolerably monotonous.

  • 作者简介
  • 伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton, 1862年1月24日-1937年8月11日),美国女作家。作品有《高尚的嗜好》、《纯真年代》、《四月里的阵雨》、《马恩河》、《战地英雄》等书。

    Edith Wharton was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist, short story writer, and designer. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927, 1928 and 1930. Wharton combined her insider's view of America's privileged classes with a brilliant, natural wit to write humorous, incisive novels and short stories of social and psychological insight. She was well acquainted with many of her era's other literary and public figures, including Theodore Roosevelt.

  • 目录
    • ## PART I
    • ## PART II