    Their deaths are as light as a feather

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  • 不断有官员自杀的报道,这让我想起中国前领袖毛泽东曾经把死亡分为两种:一种重于泰山,一种轻于鸿毛。如果绝大多数官员自杀是由于自身贪腐而对于接受调查感到恐惧,或者他们想要以自己的生命为代价而保全别人,那么他们的死确实轻于鸿毛。



    Repeated reports about officials committing suicide remind me of late chairman Mao Zedong's division of death into two kinds: those that weigh even heavier than a mountain and those that are as light as a feather. The suicides of most officials should belong to the latter if they did it simply because they were scared of being investigated about their alleged corruption or because they wanted to prevent others from being revealed.

    The pity is very few of them have left behind any words about what was on their minds before they took their own lives. Did they regret their abuses of power or did they just curse the bad luck of being caught?

    But one thing is certain: they did not anticipate what they would do to their own lives when the free will to wield power deprived them of the lucid perspective to look at life. Another thing is that they know little about death, and that they did not even ever think of "the world of malady" although they took it as the last solution to their problems.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 如今,官员因贪污腐败而选择自杀的现象屡见不鲜。他们选择自杀是因为对自己滥用权力感到后悔,还是感慨自己运气不好被抓?这一答案我们不得而知。文章例举了《人之将死》和《疾病作为比喻》的作者对死亡的探讨与这些贪污腐败官员的自杀进行比较。相较之下,这些贪污腐败的官员着实应该自己结束生命而逃避制裁这一行为感到羞愧。

  • 目录
    • 他们的死轻于鸿毛
    • Their deaths are as light as a feather