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  • 法国19世纪文学家莫泊桑擅长撰写短篇小说,他与俄国的契诃夫、美国的欧·亨利并称世界三大短篇小说大王。他的短篇小说的题材非常丰富。本部短篇集收录了:《那次代价昂贵的骑马》、《莫兰这只猪》、 《可恶的面包》、《约会》。 《那次代价昂贵的骑马》讽刺了贵族身份给人带来的重负和压力。《莫兰这只猪》文章篇幅简短,情节紧凑,始终围绕“莫兰这只猪”的事件。《可恶的面包》文章情节设计精巧。文章读来轻快,但是结尾却意味深长,发人深省。《约会》是法国19世纪后半期优秀的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑对当时社会真实的生活写照,羡慕上流社会,追求虚荣,已经成为小资产阶级人民普遍的心理特征。莫泊桑用简朴无华的语言、细节、故事和背景淋漓尽致地反映出在金钱统治的社会里,重财轻情地价值观念已大大支配了人们的道德行为。

    Maupassant is considered as one of the trendsetters like Somerset Maugham and O. Henry in the field of contemporary short story. He is famous for clever plotting and realistic art in displaying his subject. These works include That Costly Ride, That Pig Of A Morin, he Accursed Bread and The Assignation. That Costly Ride criticizes that lordship bring people with heavy burden and pressure. That Pig Of A Morin has brief contents and tight plots. The whole novel centers on one key event. The ending of The Accursed Bread is of profound meaning. The story is easy-reading and plots are well designed. In The Assignation, Maupassant decribes a true society of France in the last 19th century. People envys at upper class and pursue vanity. Through simple language, plots and stories, a society, which is ruled by money and power, is totally revealed.

  • 内容简介
  • 本集包含了莫泊桑的《那次代价昂贵的骑马》、《莫兰这只猪》、《可恶的面包》和《约会》这四部作品。《那次代价昂贵的骑马》讲述埃克托尔带妻子和孩子外出骑马的时候撞倒了一位老女佣。女佣被送到医院诊治后,并无大碍,但她一直称自己身体状况不佳。埃克托尔只好把她送到疗养院里,并为之承担费用。后来,他们的生活越来越拮据,只好把老女佣接到家里来住。《莫兰这只猪》讲述小商人莫兰在路上不自觉地去亲吻名叫亨丽埃特的漂亮的姑娘,引起了混乱的场面。无主之中求助于“我”,在“我”使出种种招数后,终于打消了亨丽埃特姑娘的上诉,但是“莫兰这只猪”却成了拉罗谢尔无人不晓的“佳话”。《可恶的面包》以塔耶老爹的二女儿的婚礼为主要故事情节,而新郎在婚礼上唱的《可恶的面包》讲故事推向高潮。《约会》讲述了一个已婚女子趁丈夫去交易所时,跟她的情夫约会。在她去赴约的路上迎面遇上了一位男爵,这位男爵并邀请她去家里。她则写信给她的情夫,谎称因身体不适,不能赴约。

    This book contains four short stories of Maupassant: That Costly Ride, That Pig Of A Morin, The Accursed Bread and The Assignation. In That Costly Ride, Hector rides a horse together with his wife and daughter. Unfortunately, he runs down an old maid. After being sent to the hospital, the maid is actually in good condition. But she pretends to be sick. Hector has to send her to the sanatorium. This imposes a heavy financial burden on his family, causing them to live a tough life ever since. At last, they have to bring the old maid home in order to save money. In That Pig Of A Morin, the businessman Morin unconsciously kisses a beautiful girl in the street, causing huge chaos. Luckily, with the help of mine, that girl withdraws the appeal. But "That Pig Of A Morin" has become a famous story in La Rochelle. In The Accursed Bread, the bridegroom sings a song named The Accursed Bread and puts the plot to a climax. In The Assignation, a married woman plans to meet her fancy man when her husband goes to the exchange. She runs into a baron and ends up in his home. Later she explains to her lover in the letter, ascribing the cause of her absence to be her sudden illness.

  • 作者简介
  • 莫泊桑,19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家。莫泊桑早就有神经痛的征兆,但他长期顽强地与病魔斗争,坚持写作,巨大的劳动强度与未曾收敛的放荡生活使他逐渐病入膏肓,于1893年7月6日逝世,享年43岁。莫泊桑一生创作了6部长篇小说和359篇中短篇小说,还有三部游记,被誉为“短篇小说之王”。

    Guy de Maupassant ( 5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893) was a popular French writer, considered one of the fathers of the modern short story and one of the form's finest exponents. Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert and his stories are characterized by economy of style and efficient, effortless dénouements. Many are set during the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870s, describing the futility of war and the innocent civilians who, caught up in events beyond their control, are permanently changed by their experiences. He wrote some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. His first published story, "Boule de Suif" ("Ball of Fat", 1880), is often considered his masterpiece.

  • 目录
    • 那次代价昂贵的骑马
    • 莫兰这只猪
    • 可恶的面包
    • 约会
    • That Costly Ride
    • That Pig Of A Morin
    • The Accursed Bread
    • The Assignation