    The real Tibet is not a museum

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  • 内容简介
  • 近年来各种以“保护西藏文化的纯洁性、原生态和本地资源”等话题为原由,反对中国政府在藏族自治区推行的一系列政治和举措的事例屡见不鲜。作者以此次参加三位藏学家和美国以及加拿大一些政治家和新闻人的会谈为契机,对这些问题进行了强烈的回击,用“为西藏修路、双语言教学”这些历史事件说明:历史证明一种文化只有在同其他文化的交往中,才能健康的发展。

    The imaginary road of Tibet's development is far from being reseanable. This is the impression some Westerners claiming to make Tibetan culture intact have left to the author. These people think Tibet should be isolated from the rest of China in order to keep its culture intact, its resources untouched and its language pure from any influence of other languages. Even if Tibetan culture and language could be kept intact by isolating the Tibet autonomous region from the outside world, the culture and language preserved in such a manner would stagnate and finally lose the vitality needed to survive.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 西藏以其雄伟壮观、神奇瑰丽的自然风光闻名。它地域辽阔,地貌壮观、资源丰富。自古以来,这片土地上的人们创造了丰富灿烂的民族文化。布达拉宫是藏传佛教的圣地,每年至此的朝圣者及旅游观光客不计其数。本期杂志中对想要把西藏隔绝起来的荒唐想法,用历史事实给予了强烈反击。如果真的把西藏隔绝起来,那么我想这片圣洁、纯净的土地,淳朴热心的民风也将不再为世人所知。

  • 目录
    • 西藏不是博物馆
    • The real Tibet is not a museum