    Health Library — Bariatric Surgery: One Treatment for Obesity

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    • 约翰·莫顿
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  • 课程简介
  • 什么导致了肥胖,原因有很多,总结来说,最主要的就是一点,那就是现代环境中的远古基因。在过去,能保持充足卡路里是件好事,因为我们没有很多食物。但现在我们有足够的食物,还这么做就不好。因为我们会紧抓每一个卡路里。另一点就是人类的物理运动在减少,你相不相信睡眠也与之有关。大家都知道,如果没睡好,那第二天起来时,你从哪获得能量?一杯咖啡或是更多食物,这些事物都息息相关。

    What causes obesity? You can see there is a very long laundry list. If you wanna really sum it up, it's really essentially one concept. It's ancient genes in a modern environment. In the old days, being able to hold on to our calories was a good thing, when we didn't have a lot of food around. Now in the modern environment, when we have so many food available, not so good. Cause we will really cling to every last calorie. The other thing that is going on is we know that physical activities declined, and believe or not, sleep may play a role too. And you may know this, if you don't sleep a lot, the next day when you get up, where do you get your energy from? A cup of coffee or more food? So all those things come to play.

  • 讲师简介
  • 约翰·莫顿是外科副教授。

    John Morton is an associate professor of Surgery.