• 内容简介
  • 一位中国的高级官员指出中国游客在国外的不文明行为正在损害中国的形象,旅游部门随即发行了一册讲解详细的64页指导书,这本书旨在指导旅游者避免在国外旅行中遇到礼仪尴尬。



    Tourism officials have issued a detailed 64-page guidebook to steer holidaymakers through the etiquette hazards of an overseas trip, after a senior Chinese leader warned that "uncivilised behaviour" abroad was damaging the country's reputation.

    The handbook was issued to coincide with one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. Its advice ranges from the legally sound and eminently sensible – no subway fare-dodging, for example – to the unnecessarily alarmist or plain baffling. A woman wandering the streets of Spain without a pair of earrings will be laughed at as if she were undressed in public, it warns; another section specifies that visitors to Scotland should refrain from buying souvenirs made of stones.

    Other points include not demanding pork in Muslim countries, avoiding picking your nose and teeth in public, and not leaving footprints on toilet seats – reflecting the fact that some tourists are more used to squat toilets.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 2013年10月1日,来自全国各地的11万名群众冒雨在天安门广场观看了升国旗仪式,庆祝中华人民共和国成立64周年。然而,仪式结束后,游客散去,广场上却留下了5吨垃圾,废报纸、广告、饮料瓶遍布,一片狼藉。



  • 目录
    • 中国游客行为指导手册:请排队,勿扔垃圾
    • 中国游客被要求在出境旅游时注意举止
    • China's advice on travel: do queue, don't litter
    • Chinese tourists warned over behaviour abroad