A disciple of Confucius remarked, "In the practice of art,1 what is valuable is natural spontaneity. According to the rules of art held by the ancient kings it was this quality in a work of art which constituted his excellence; in great as well as in small things they were guided by this principle 去书内

  • pia pia

    在本句中,辜老将“礼”译为“art”,我认为是非常贴切的,因为英文词汇“art”本身的含义也非常多,如 ①艺术作品(a work of art) ②艺术实践(the practice of art) ③人工的(artificial) ④技巧(art) ⑤严格的艺术的原理(the strict principle of art) 需要在不同的语境下理解“礼”的具体含义,两种古老的文化在此处产生了绝妙的反应。

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