His whole married life, with its fierce, fiery-coloured joys and the terrible agony of its sudden ending seemed to come back to him today as he watched the infanta playing on the terrace. She had all the queen's pretty petulance of manner, the same wilful way of tossing her head, the same proud curved beautiful mouth, the same wonderful smile—vrai sourire de France indeed—as she glanced up now and then at the window, or stretched out her little hand for the stately Spanish gentlemen to 去书内

  • 想喝胡辣汤 想喝胡辣汤

    The Nightingale and the Rose - A satire on love. There was a young man who loved a young woman very much, but she would not dance with him until he brought her a red rose, and there was no red rose at that time, but the young man loved the young girl so much that he often cried for it, and not everyone understood the tormented heart of the young man. The little gecko laughed at him, and only the Nightingale understood the heart of a young man, and said that this was true love, but to get a red rose she had to sing with her heart in the thorn of the rose in the moonlight, and she did so. The pain she endured sang a beautiful song, and at last the tree grew a bright red rose, and the nightingale died for it. When the young man took the red rose to the young girl, the young girl said that the red rose did not match her dress, and the nephew of the minister gave her many jewels, and everyone knew that jewels were much more valuable than flowers and plants.

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