From a window in the palace the sad melancholy king watched them. Behind him stood his brother Don Pedro of Aragon, whom he hated, and his confessor, the Grand Inquisitor of Granada, sat by his side. Sadder even than usual was the king, for ask he looked at the infanta bowing with childish gravity to the assembling courtiers, or laughing behind the fan at the grim Duchess of Albuquerque who always accompanied her, he thought of the young queen, her mother, who but a short time 去书内

  • 想喝胡辣汤 想喝胡辣汤

    The heroine of the story wants to go to a court ball, but needs a red rose to make a corsage. But when she asked the flowers around her if they would give her a rose, they all refused. So the nightingale appeared and decided to help the girl. The nightingale told her that she could only find a red rose before the sun rose, and that it meant giving her life for the rose. The relationship between parents and children is also mentioned in the novel. Christopher had a strained relationship with his parents before leaving city life, and his departure was more of a revolt and an escape. However, on the island where he lived alone, he began to think about his relationship with his family and expressed his thoughts and gratitude to his parents through letters. This story shows us the importance of communication and understanding between parents and children. It hopes that we can learn to deal with family relationships in the right way, including respect for each other.

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