这对我是个可怕的时刻。我内心矛盾着,理不出头绪,我知道他爱我,我也爱他,但我也知道我必须离开他! “简,就答应我,说:‘我是你的。’” “罗切斯特先生,我不是你的。”又一阵沉默。 “简,”他温柔的声音刺进我的心灵深处,“简,你想让我们俩永远 去书内

  • 陈萍22应英1班 陈萍22应英1班

    Jane Eyre loses her mind without loving Rochester, which is a kind of respect for herself and Mei Sen. Rochester doesn't think about Jane Eyre, because he has money and status, and Jane Eyre has nothing, but Jane Eyre has her own ideas.

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