?' 'It's true she has been unkind to you, because she dislikes your faults, as Miss Scatcherd dislikes mine. But look how bitterly you remember every angry word! Wouldn't you be happier if you tried to forget her scolding? Life is too short to continue hating anyone for a long time. We all have faults, but the time will come soon when we die, when our wickedness will pass away with our bodies, leaving only the pure flame of the spirit. That's why I never think of revenge, I never consider life unfair. I live in calm, looking forward to the end.' For a moment we both stayed silent. Then one of the big girls came up, calling, 'Helen Burns! Go and put away your work and tidy your drawer immediately, or I'll tell Miss Scatcherd!' Helen sighed, and, getting up 去书内

  • 用户701563 用户701563

    “她的确对你不好,因为她不喜欢你的缺点,就像斯盖查德小姐不喜欢我的一样。如果你努力忘了她的训斥,不是会开心点儿吗?生命太短暂了,没时间恨一个人那么久。我们都有错误,但我们不久就会死去,我们的邪恶会随我们的躯体一起消失,只留下精神之火。这就是为什么我从来不想报复,我从不认为生活不公平。我平静地生活,期待着终结。” 我们都沉默了一会儿。这时一个大孩子跑过来叫着:“海伦·伯恩斯,赶快去收拾你的课本,整理你的抽屉,否则我就去报告斯盖查德小姐!” 海伦叹了口气,站起身,默默地服从了。

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