
  • 魏昊晨 魏昊晨

    “中华民族及海外华人最重要的传统节日” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-02-27 喜欢(1) 回复(1)

  • 小柳倒拔垂杨柳 小柳倒拔垂杨柳

    “Poetic Song” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-02-27 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 用户670922 用户670922

    “apertures” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2022-12-20 喜欢(1) 回复(0)


    “◎大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者,皆有...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    This term refers to the time of peace and prosperity envisioned by Confucian scholars when all the people under heaven are one family, equal, friendly, and helpful to each other (as opposed to xiaokang [小康]一minor or moderate prosperity). Confucianism takes universal harmony as the supreme stage of the development of the human society, somewhat similar to the idea of utopia in the West. Its main features are: All power and wealth belong to the whole of society; all people are equal and live and work in peace and contentment; everyone is cared for by society; everything is used to its fullest and everyone works to his maximum potential. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the term referred to the concepts of socialism, communism, or cosmopolitanism that had been introduced to China from the West. When the Great Way prevails, the world belongs to all the people. People of virtue and competence are chosen to govern the country, and honesty and harmony is the way for people to treat each other. People not only love their parents, bring up their children, but also take care of the aged. The middle-aged are able to put their talents and abilities to best use, children are well nurtured, and old widows and widowers, unmarried old people, orphans, childless old people, and the disabled are all provided for…. This is universal harmony. (The Book of Rites)

    2022-12-14 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 用户18202575019 用户18202575019

    “它是隋朝以后1300年间中国最主要的“选举”方式,对中国社会发生的影响是极其深广的。” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2022-12-09 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 张美琪1 张美琪1

    “territory” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    use territory in a sentence. a geographic area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority; an administrative subd

    2022-12-05 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 张美琪1 张美琪1

    “Different” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    nlike in nature, form, or quality : dissimilar could hardly be more different —often followed by from, than, or chiefly British to small, neat hand, very different from the captain's tottery characters — R. L. Steve

    2022-12-05 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 英语五班邵城锦 英语五班邵城锦

    “Compilations of works of famous authors are meant to bring...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    The ancients said that we should discard the essence and discard the dross. In the face of excellent traditional Chinese culture, we should actively learn and absorb everything, which has both advantages and disadvantages. We should integrate famous works, and learn and discard the advantages and disadvantages of their works

    2022-11-28 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 赵美瑜 赵美瑜

    “人们在不同意义上使用“大学”的概念。其一,从学校制度而言,“大学”指由国家设立的最高等级的学校,即“太学”,有别于地方设立的...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2022-11-23 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

  • 夏时林 夏时林

    “Movement and Stillness” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2022-11-23 喜欢(1) 回复(0)