


1. The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual are:

   - 尊王 (Revering the King): Upholding the authority of the monarch.

   - 攘夷 (Repulsing the Barbarians): Resisting foreign invasions and maintaining national sovereignty.

   - 复礼 (Restoring Rites): Emphasizing the importance of traditional rituals and social order.

   - 重民 (Valuing the People): Recognizing the significance of the people's well-being.

   - 尚贤 (Honoring Virtue): Promoting meritocracy and valuing the virtuous.

2. Mencius' view on the "Great Man" or "大人" suggests that such a person possesses a moral compass that is unwavering, regardless of external circumstances. The "Great Man" maintains integrity in poverty and does not submit to coercion or indulge in luxury. Mencius describes this ideal with the phrase “贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,富贵不能淫” (Unyielding in the face of poverty or low status, unbowed by power or force, and uncorrupted by wealth or high rank).

3. "Conscience" in Chinese, referred to as “良知” (liángzhī), encompasses an inherent sense of right and wrong, a moral awareness that guides one's actions in accordance with ethical standards. It is considered an innate quality that does not require learning and naturally informs one's judgment of what is virtuous and just.


