

Apart from the forms of li mentioned in the book, can you think of any other behaviors which can show li or any situations in which people need to perform li ?


  • 用户738184
    1. Dining etiquette Respect is always our traditional virtue, which is clearly reflected in dining etiquette. When starting a meal, it is always the elders who move the dishes first. And when eating, it is required to pick up the bowl and hold it with your thumb. Chewing food should be done with your mouth closed, chew carefully and slowly, and try to eat without saying a word. 2. The ritual of walking In ancient times, people often practiced "courtesy" - that is, when people of lower status walked in front of those of higher status, they must bow down and show respect to their elders by taking small steps and walking quickly. In walking etiquette, there is also the principle of "not hitting the right path, not hitting the right door", that is, walking should not be in the middle of the road, but should be on the side; Do not stand in the middle of the door while standing. This not only shows respect to the venerable, but also avoids pedestrians. 3. Meeting Ceremony The ancients also attached great importance to the etiquette of meeting, including bowing, bowing, and kneeling. The arched hand ceremony is the most common etiquette when meeting, with both hands clasped and placed on the chest, standing without bowing. Bowing is also about clasping fists with both hands, arching and pressing down to lower the head, and slightly bending the upper body forward. The kneeling and bowing ceremony was a common practice in ancient times, where lower officials showed respect to their superiors and common people showed respect to officials. Nowadays, we can only see New Year's greetings in remote rural areas. 4. Sitting Ceremony The social etiquette and order are in order, and there is also a distinction between priority and inferiority in seating. Those with respect sit up, while those with inferiority sit down. The indoor seating arrangement is oriented towards the east, meaning that distinguished guests sit at the western banquet while the host usually accompanies them at the eastern banquet. The elderly can be arranged in a south facing position, that is, the north seat. The younger generation accompanying the wine is usually in a north facing position, that is, the southern banquet.


  • 于梓鹤Ww
    Lirequires every member of society to abide by the established social relations, and also entrusts every member of society with certain moral responsibilities. It is not the etiquette that should be upheld by Kings and ministers, fathers and sons, couples, brothers, teachers and students, etc.


  • 谌羽霞
    Confucius' thought of rites and music enables people to learn to respect others. Whether in social occasions, families or work units, Confucius' thought of rites and music can establish friendly, loyal and polite habits for people. At the same time, observing this idea is also conducive to the establishment of a harmonious social environment. Moreover, Confucius' thought of rites and music is also helpful to personal development.


  • 李晨圣
    1. Respect for Elders: In Chinese culture, showing respect towards elders is considered a form of li. This can include addressing them using appropriate titles and showing deference in their presence. 2. Table Manners: Chinese dining etiquette, including the use of chopsticks, seating arrangements, and proper behavior during meals, is another way of practicing li. Following these customs demonstrates respect for others and an understanding of social norms. 3. Rituals and Ceremonies: Various traditional rituals and ceremonies, such as weddings, funerals, and ancestral worship, require individuals to adhere to specific protocols and behaviors. These ceremonial practices emphasize the importance of li in maintaining social harmony and honoring ancestors. 4. Greetings and Politeness: The way people greet each other and show courtesy in daily interactions is considered an expression of li. This includes using appropriate greetings, maintaining proper body language, and using polite language. 5. Workplace Etiquette: Chinese business culture places great emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships within the workplace. Behaviors such as punctuality, respecting hierarchies, and addressing colleagues with appropriate titles are all manifestations of li. 6. Public Behavior: Displaying appropriate behavior in public spaces, such as being mindful of noise levels, cleanliness, and respecting public property, demonstrates one's adherence to the concept of li. 7. Family Values: Maintaining close family ties and upholding filial piety, where children respect and care for their parents, is considered an essential aspect of li in Chinese culture.


  • 李晨圣
    Based on the information presented in the book, there are several other behaviors and situations where the concept of li is relevant in Chinese culture: 1. Respect for Elders: In Chinese culture, showing respect towards elders is considered a form of li. This can include addressing them using appropriate titles and showing deference in their presence. 2. Table Manners: Chinese dining etiquette, including the use of chopsticks, seating arrangements, and proper behavior during meals, is another way of practicing li. Following these customs demonstrates respect for others and an understanding of social norms. 3. Rituals and Ceremonies: Various traditional rituals and ceremonies, such as weddings, funerals, and ancestral worship, require individuals to adhere to specific protocols and behaviors. These ceremonial practices emphasize the importance of li in maintaining social harmony and honoring ancestors. 4. Greetings and Politeness: The way people greet each other and show courtesy in daily interactions is considered an expression of li. This includes using appropriate greetings, maintaining proper body language, and using polite language. 5. Workplace Etiquette: Chinese business culture places great emphasis on maintaining harmonious relationships within the workplace. Behaviors such as punctuality, respecting hierarchies, and addressing colleagues with appropriate titles are all manifestations of li. 6. Public Behavior: Displaying appropriate behavior in public spaces, such as being mindful of noise levels, cleanliness, and respecting public property, demonstrates one's adherence to the concept of li. 7. Family Values: Maintaining close family ties and upholding filial piety, where children respect and care for their parents, is considered an essential aspect of li in Chinese culture. Overall, these behaviors and situations illustrate the multifaceted nature of li in Chinese culture, emphasizing the importance of adhering to social norms, respect for others, and maintaining social harmony.


  • 霉霉家的Olivia
    Behave elegantly, observe public orders and keep the law. And when one's personal interests are in conflict with collective interests, one should put collective interests first.


  • 用户704339

    First, the gift of walking - in the process of walking also pay attention to the handling of interpersonal relations, so there is the etiquette of walking. Second, the gift of meeting - people should meet each other with a warm attitude and be polite. Third, the ritual of sitting - the traditional social etiquette is in good order, and the seating is also divided into primary and secondary, and the venerable sits on the table, and the humble sits at the end. Four, the ritual of eating - people in the pre-Qin Dynasty to "eat the gift of Yan kiss the four guests", the descendants of the dinner is often a scene of ritual drama. Five, the greeting ceremony - China has been a human society since ancient times, people care for each other, mutual compassion, there are many rituals and customs in the greeting ceremony.

    Greeting: Generally during the festival, is the junior or low status of people to respect the elder, peers also have mutual greetings. During the ceremony, not only the attitude is respectful, the words are recited, the head is bowed, but also the ceremony is presented.

    Ceremony of celebration hanging: mainly in life events. A person's life must experience birth, adulthood, marriage, birthday, death and other stages, around these life nodes, formed a series of life etiquette.


  • 张涵宇
    1. Etiquette in daily life: for example, respecting elders, not yelling in public places, dressing appropriately, etc. 2. Giving gifts: Chinese people attach importance to giving gifts to show care, like during Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, birthdays, weddings, etc. 3. Weddings and funerals: there are many etiquette rules for behaviors like wearing mourning clothes and kneeling at weddings and funerals. 4. Social occasions: greeting each other, reciprocal invitations and giving way to others can all reflect li in social activities. 5. Table manners: Chinese style meals emphasize etiquette such as toasting with tea rather than alcohol, elders eating before juniors, etc. 6. Religious occasions: different religions have their own etiquette norms, such as bowing to Buddha in Buddhism, making the sign of the cross in Christianity. 7. Cultural etiquette: rituals like ancestral worship, kowtow, pilgrimage all emphasize propriety. 8. Public places: how people behave in public transportation, lining up, etc. can reflect the etiquette awareness of a society


  • 冯佳莹
    After reading this article, I have a deep feeling about Confucius' ren and li. Ren is one of the most important concepts in Confucius' thought. ren is a moral emotion, which is people's care, respect and love for others. As Confucius said, if one does not love one's parents, one cannot love others in general. From oneself to the family, from the family to the society, one should extend love to all people. People should respect the rights and interests of others, care about the interests of others, and help others solve difficulties. Only through benevolence can people live in harmony with each other and society achieve harmony and progress. Li, on the other hand, is the observance and respect of social norms and moral codes. Confucius considered burial and ancestor worship to be the most important because they stem from human feelings. Confucius believed that by following etiquette norms, people could establish harmonious interpersonal relationships and maintain social stability and order. Ren and Li are the core values of Confucius thought and an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Only in this way can we achieve personal perfection and social progress.


  • 到海景城不好
    When visiting relatives or friends, we tend to bring some gifts to show our friendliness; When eating at the table, we will let the elders or guests eat first as a sign of respect.
