
Week1-4 Q2

What does Mencius say about "Great Man"?


  • 龙全治
    He emphasized the importance of nurturinginnate goodness and virtue within oneself, and believed that through dedicated effort and ethical behavior, anyone could achieve greatness and becomea virtuous leader.Mencius also believed that "Great Men" have a responsibility to lead and inspire others to follow their example, creating a more harmonious and just society.


  • 彭炳荣
    Mencius, a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Warring States period, believed that a11 individuals have the potential to become "Great Men" through self-cultivation and moral development. He emphasized the importance of nurturinginnate goodness and virtue within oneself, and believed that through dedicated effort and ethical behavior, anyone could achieve greatness and becomea virtuous leader.Mencius also believed that "Great Men" have a responsibility to lead and inspire others to follow their example, creating a more harmonious and just society.


  • 赵宇喆
    Mencius believed that the "Great Man" is someone who cultivates their innate moral goodness, or "ren" (benevolence), to its fullest potential. He emphasizes that every individual has the capacity for moral greatness and that it can be nurtured through self-cultivation and virtuous actions. Mencius famously stated, "All men have the mind which cannot bear to see the suffering of others. The ancient kings had this mind and the same nourishment for it. Thus, the man of humanity regards his own person as a part of others. Such a one, when he hears of others’ ill, is himself concerned; when he hears of others’ hunger, his own hunger is excited."


  • 杨顺宏
    Mencius, a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Warring States period, believed that all individuals have the potential to become "Great Men" through self-cultivation and moral development. He emphasized the importance of nurturing innate goodness and virtue within oneself, and believed that through dedicated effort and ethical behavior, anyone could achieve greatness and become a virtuous leader. Mencius also believed that "Great Men" have a responsibility to lead and inspire others to follow their example, creating a more harmonious and just society.


  • 沈奇间
    He emphasized the importance of nurturing innate goodness and virtue within oneself, and believed that through dedicated effort and ethical behavior, anyone could achieve greatness and become a virtuous leader.


  • 陈宇
    He said that the great man is who does not lose his child's heart


  • 张政1
    Mencius, a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Warring States period, believed that all individuals have the potential to become "Great Men" through self-cultivation and moral development. He emphasized the importance of nurturing innate goodness and virtue within oneself, and believed that through dedicated effort and ethical behavior, anyone could achieve greatness and become a virtuous leader. Mencius also believed that "Great Men" have a responsibility to lead and inspire others to follow their example, creating a more harmonious and just society.
