

The Chinese spiritual Book Review has had the privilege of reading Mr. Gu Hongming's "the Spirit of the Chinese people" recently, and with some feelings, I have made this book review to talk about some of my vulgar views on this book and some feelings after reading this book. Hopefully. This book begins with the idea of foreigners, where Koo Lao says that foreigners achieve social unity and harmony through the power of nature, or the stability and relative constraints of the people. At this point, see the modern history of China, Japan and Britain with the help of advanced weapons to invade China. But this is by no means a good way, as in the order of the state apparatus, the law, and the police, which previously existed as a result of Christ's deterrence of God's majesty to convey divine harmony or as a result of the bourgeois revolution. They're all flawed. As a result, Koo Lao pointed out that only the Chinese people, the Chinese spirit, China's good civic spirit can make society more harmonious and stable. Instead of, as mentioned earlier, under cold laws or some indescribable, mysterious majesty, people reluctantly obey order. perhaps a revolution or ideological innovation will invalidate the state machinery and the government will lose control of the people. Society is a mess. As far as this is concerned, what is the spirit of the Chinese people? Why is it a role model for Europe and the world to follow? Let me open a small brain. as we all know, Koo is always a person living in the darkest period of China, foreign invasion, land loss, national prestige. Koo Lao here emphasizes whether the spirit of China can also vaguely peek into his patriotism and his inherent sense of national pride. After that, Koo Lao expounded its content and reasons one by one in this book. I'm not going to go into all the details here. The main thing I'm talking about is the dross of the times in this spirit. Of course, I very much agree with most of them. And by reading this book, I also found the answer to the question that had puzzled me for a long time. When I watch some foreign movies, I always feel that the communication between people and the social environment are cold and humid, just like the utensils in the laboratory give me the same feeling, too rational and direct. And domestic films are different, no matter what subject matter gives me a trace of warmth, even science fiction films also have a strong human taste. I think that's the spirit that makes the difference. Back to the topic, we talk about dross, in the book, Koo Lao emphasized his authentic Confucianism-three principles and five permanent. I remember the book saying that a wife must absolutely obey her husband. From the present point of view, this is an insult and extinction to the female personality. Don't mention your loyalty as a subject or something. Apart from these, all the other Mr. Koo said well. In today's society, the torrent of the times has taken away not only the past, but also more or less the conscience of the Chinese people, the sense of pride and responsibility for the country and the people. I hope more people will read some books like this so that the responsibilities that originally belonged to us will be taken over from our ancestors. Let the Chinese spirit carry forward today.


