    The Adventure of the German Student

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    中国石油大学 许铌娜

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  • 华盛顿•欧文是美国文学史上第一个在欧洲获得声誉的作家,被誉为“新世界派往旧世界的第一位文学大使。” 《德国大学生的奇遇》选自欧文旅居英国和欧洲大陆期间写成的脍炙人口的佳作《游客谈》。同《聊斋志异》一样,小说以鬼怪和民间传说为题材,通过简练生动的环境描写,着意渲染了一种神秘甚至恐怖的气氛,同时将“绝世佳人”女鬼和德国学生的奇遇刻画得淋漓尽致。小说在艺术上具有浓厚的浪漫色彩,同时也表现了作者对社会现实一定的批判态度。

  • 内容简介
  • 这篇小说讲述了一个十分离奇的故事。一位德国学生独居巴黎,整天沉浸在文学的世界里。他生性胆小,不敢与女性搭讪。他的脑海里却时常呈现一位绝美女子的面容。有一天晚上,他在凄风苦雨中发现了这名女子并让她留宿家中过夜,然而第二天,这名女子被发现死在他家。更诡异的是,警察证实她是几天前断头台上的那个女子。

  • 作者简介
  • 华盛顿·欧文是19世纪美国最著名的作家,号称美国文学之父。1783年4月3日出生在纽约一个富商家庭。欧文从少年时代起就喜爱阅读英国作家司各特、拜仑和彭斯等人的作品。欧文的第一部重要作品是《纽约外史》。1820年,欧文的《见闻札记》出版,引起欧洲和美国文学界的重视,这部作品奠定了欧文在美国文学史上的地位。欧文的小说背景通常设置在远离尘嚣的荒僻村野和一些着魔闹鬼的地方,静谧中带着神秘、奇诡和深沉的气息。题材往往来源于欧洲文化和文学,尤其是民间传说和鬼怪故事。

    Washington Irving (April 3, 1783—November 28, 1859) was an American author, essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He is best known for his short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, both of which appear in his book The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. His historical works include biographies of George Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors, and the Alhambra. Irving also served as the U.S. ambassador to Spain from 1842 to 1846. Irving perfected the American short story, and was the first American writer to place his stories firmly in the United States, even as he poached from German or Dutch folklore. He is also generally credited as one of the first to write both in the vernacular, and without an obligation to the moral or didactic in his short stories, writing stories simply to entertain rather than to enlighten. The themes of his short stories are usually originated from local folklore and ghost stories of Europe.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 欧文为读者营造了一种田园生活般的意境,他擅长描写精灵鬼怪的悬念与恐怖,使故事跌宕起伏。同时他又是一个喜欢怀旧的人。他的作品更像是午后一缕慵懒的和风,在你耳边低吟一曲,使你充满倦意。

  • 媒体书评
  • “没有欧文就没有美国文学的最早声誉,也就没有以后小说创作伟大局面的产生和出现。”


    America's first genuine internationally best-selling author

    Irving is largely credited as the first American Man of Letters.

    His friend, the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, acknowledged Irving's role in promoting American literature: "We feel a just pride in his renown as an author, not forgetting that, to his other claims upon our gratitude, he adds also that of having been the first to win for our country an honorable name and position in the History of Letters".

    As George William Curtis noted, there "is not a young literary aspirant in the country, who, if he ever personally met Irving, did not hear from him the kindest words of sympathy, regard, and encouragement."

  • 目录
    • 德国学生的奇遇
    • The Adventure of the German Student