华盛顿•欧文是美国文学史上第一个在欧洲获得声誉的作家,被誉为“新世界派往旧世界的第一位文学大使。” 《德国大学生的奇遇》选自欧文旅居英国和欧洲大陆期间写成的脍炙人口的佳作《游客谈》。同《聊斋志异》一样,小说以鬼怪和民间传说为题材,通过简练生动的环境描写,着意渲染了一种神秘甚至恐怖的气氛,同时将“绝世佳人”女鬼和德国学生的奇遇刻画得淋漓尽致。小说在艺术上具有浓厚的浪漫色彩,同时也表现了作者对社会现实一定的批判态度。
America's first genuine internationally best-selling author
Irving is largely credited as the first American Man of Letters.
His friend, the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, acknowledged Irving's role in promoting American literature: "We feel a just pride in his renown as an author, not forgetting that, to his other claims upon our gratitude, he adds also that of having been the first to win for our country an honorable name and position in the History of Letters".
As George William Curtis noted, there "is not a young literary aspirant in the country, who, if he ever personally met Irving, did not hear from him the kindest words of sympathy, regard, and encouragement."
- 德国学生的奇遇
- The Adventure of the German Student