The literary character of the Politics is subject to some dispute, growing out of the textual difficulties that attended the loss of Aristotle's work. Politics actually represents the conflation of two, distinct treatises: one is a less mature work and the other is the later stage of development. It is definitely a work worth reading.
本书是作者亚里士多德的“关于政体研究的专著”,具有多方面的学术价值,对于了解当时希腊社会的状况,了解古希腊人的政治、法律、 伦理、教育思想,研究亚里士多德的学说,均有不可替代的作用。尽管这是一部论述政治问题的专著,但亚里士多德在探讨和阐释奴隶制各种政体及其统治形式的过程中也从教育与政治关系的角度,提出了一些教育的主张。《政治学》是古希腊思想家最重要的政治学论著。《政治学》被公认为西方传统政治学的开创之作。它所建立的体系和一系列政治观点,对西方政治思想的发展产生过深远影响。亚里士多德在标题为《政治学》的著作中致力于论述城邦。亚里士多德的城邦概念是非常有组织的,他被认为是以这种方式构想城邦的第一人。
Politics is a work of political philosophy by Aristotle, a 4th-century BC Greek philosopher.The end of the Nicomachean Ethics declared that the inquiry into ethics necessarily follows into politics, and the two works are frequently considered to be parts of a larger treatise, or perhaps connected lectures, dealing with the "philosophy of human affairs." The title of the Politics literally means "the things concerning the polis."
- Book One
- Book Two
- Book Three
- Book Four
- Book Five
- Book Six
- Book Seven
- Book Eight
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