    Reflections on the Revolution in France

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  • 奠定柏克保守主义代表地位的正是《反思法国大革命》。该书也是保守主义经典著作之一。他在《反思法国大革命》中所说的法国大革命的“毁灭性的破坏终将导致一种新的专制主义强权的出现,唯有它才能够维持社会免于全面的混乱和崩溃”成为了“历史学史上最罕见的准确预言”。一方面,他道出了暴力革命与专制统治的历史定律,另一方面,他又以保守主义的立场揭示了“柏克定律”的历史警示——通过暴力革命建立的现代政权,唯有接续上本国本民族之政治文化传统,回到秩序和传统的轨道上来,方能繁殖养育,长久发展。

    It may not be unnecessary to inform the reader that the following Reflections had their origin in a correspondence between the Author and a very young gentleman at Paris, who did him the honor of desiring his opinion upon the important transactions which then, and ever since have, so much occupied the attention of all men. An answer was written some time in the month of October, 1789; but it was kept back upon prudential considerations. That letter is alluded to in the beginning of the following sheets. It has been since forwarded to the person to whom it was addressed. The reasons for the delay in sending it were assigned in a short letter to the same gentleman. This produced on his part a new and pressing application for the Author’s sentiments.

  • 内容简介
  • 1789年爆发的法国大革命,是世界历史上划时代的大事。它颇似于20世纪初俄国的十月革命,几乎迫使当时的每一个知识分子都要站在它面前表明自己的态度。第二年柏克晚年的压卷大作《法国革命论》随即问世,书中以充满了激情而又酣畅淋漓的文笔,猛烈地攻击了法国大革命的原则。

    "Reflections on the Revolution in France" is now widely regarded as a classic statement of conservative political thought, and is one of the eighteenth century's great works of political rhetoric.

  • 作者简介
  • 埃德蒙·柏克(Edmund Burke,1729年1月12日-1797年7月9日),爱尔兰的政治家、作家、演说家、政治理论家、和哲学家,他曾反对英王乔治三世和英国政府、支持美国殖民地以及后来的美国革命的立场,以及他后来对于法国大革命的批判。他经常被视为是英美保守主义的奠基者。

    Edmund Burke (12 January [NS] 1729 – 9 July 1797) was an Irish statesman born in Dublin, as well as an author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher who, after moving to London, served as a member of parliament (MP) for many years in the House of Commons with the Whig Party.

  • 目录
    • Reflections on the Revolution in France,