Nature: The Living Record of Science (volume VII) (geoscience) contains and translates essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1966 to 1972, which reproduces the development of astronomy in this period, and shows that researchers in the field of astronomy have been trudging hard and exploring continuously.
- 海洋-大气系统是否存在不止一种稳定运行模态?
- 南极冰芯记录的过去15万年以来的气候变化
- 沿东太平洋海隆的地壳岩浆房多道地震成像
- 海洋浮游植物、大气硫、云反照率与气候
- 亚北极区东北太平洋海域铁缺乏对浮游植物生长的限制
- 过去十年中全球变暖的证据
- 1989年1月北极上空的平流层云与臭氧亏损
- 南极臭氧洞外高纬度地区臭氧的亏损
- 气候系统的自然变率与温室效应的检测
- 北极极涡臭氧的亏损——来自高海拔航空测量的结果
- 南大洋铁施肥对大气CO2浓度的影响评估
- 南北极海冰覆盖面积的近期变化
- 地幔中长波长非均匀性的主导作用
- 构造运动对晚新生代气候的影响
- 末次冰期大量冰山流入北大西洋的证据
- 太阳活动周期长度、温室强迫与全球气候
- 太阳辐照度周期性变化对全球变暖的意义
- Does the Ocean–Atmosphere System Have More than One Stable Mode of Operation?
- A 150,000-year Climatic Record from Antarctic Ice
- Multi-channel Seismic Imaging of a Crustal Magma Chamber along the East Pacific Rise
- Oceanic Phytoplankton, Atmospheric Sulphur, Cloud Albedo and Climate
- Iron Deficiency Limits Phytoplankton Growth in the North-East Pacific Subarctic
- Evidence for Global Warming in the Past Decade
- Stratospheric Clouds and Ozone Depletion in the Arctic during January 1989
- High-Latitude Ozone Loss Outside the Antarctic Ozone Hole
- Natural Variability of the Climate System and Detection of the Greenhouse Effect
- Ozone Loss in the Arctic Polar Vortex Inferred from High-Altitude Aircraft Measurements
- Estimates of the Effect of Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization on Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
- Recent Variations in Arctic and Antarctic Sea-Ice Covers
- Predominance of Long-Wavelength Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Tectonic Forcing of Late Cenozoic Climate
- Evidence for Massive Discharges of Icebergs into the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Period
- Solar Cycle Length, Greenhouse Forcing and Global Climate
- Implications for Global Warming of Intercycle Solar Irradiance Variations
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记