    The Network:an information spreader or a privacy snoop?

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  • 一个典型的普通人大概每天都会与朋友和同事见面、会登入电子邮箱和推特、会收发短信、接打电话。事实上还远不止这些:当某个人乘坐飞机、消费购物或是转账汇款时,都会被牵扯进更多网络。在一个IT技术大行其道的社会里,所有这些行为都会留下记录。这就使如何保护隐私成了大问题,但同时,这也为研究大众和各种网络提供了前所未有的机会,以及庞大的数据基础。



    Every day, a typical person might meet friends and colleagues, log in to email and twitter accounts, send text messages and answer phone calls. There’s more: when this typical person takes a plane, makes purchases, or transfers money, it implicates her in further networks. In an IT intensive society, all these actions leave tracks. This poses huge privacy protection questions, but it also provides an unprecedented opportunity to study people and networks quantitatively.

    Concerning e-reading, digital technology gives us access to information, to content, if you will, on a scale never before possible. But it works two ways, giving content, or content providers, access to us as well. Our keystrokes, our browsing history, our likes and dislikes, all of that becomes the property, not of the reader, but of the digital rights manager.

    Criticism of network sciences should be taken seriously: risks can include unreliable data, carelessness with details, drastic simplifications in models, and fake trends. In general, scientists are, with reason, suspicious towards holistic all-purpose ‘theories of everything’. However, careful and intelligent application of network tools can continue to deliver a wealth of results in the future.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 秀才不出门,方知天下事。如今是信息时代,网络充分融入人们的生活。坐在家里便可玩转地球。然而人们对于网络仍是褒贬不一,有的人认为它是信息时代不可或缺的传播者,有的则认为网络的存在使人们的隐私权遭到前所未有的冲击。


  • 目录
    • 网络的价值
    • 电子阅读器,你身后的窥视者
    • The value of networks
    • The e-reader over your shoulder