First, then, it is to be considered that, whether we look to countries
Christian or heathen, we find the state of literature there as little
satisfactory as it is in these islands; so that, whatever are our
difficulties here, they are not worse than those of Catholics all over
the world. I would not indeed say a word to extenuate the calamity,
under which we lie, of having a literature formed in Protestantism;
still, other literatures have disadvantages of their own; and, though in
such matters comparisons are impossible, I doubt whether we should be
better pleased if our English Classics were tainted with licentiousness,
or defaced by infidelity or scepticism. I conceive we should not much
mend matters if we were to exchange literatures with the French,
Italians, or Germans. About Germany, however, I will not speak; as to