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    庞德的联想并不是没有根据的。Pound's poetic allusions are not without basis.联想allusion 没有根据without basis上面是太阳象形符号,下面是地平线the upper part is a sun symbol, while the lower part represents the horizon.是is/represents 太阳象形“符号”仅用symbol表示即可校名取自古书《尚书大传》所记的一句诗:“日月光华,旦复旦兮。”所取的意思是:每一天升起的太阳都是新的,世界蒸蒸日上,日日更新,而学子们也应以这样的精神去学习。Taken from a line from the classic,Great Comments on the Book of Documents(Shangshu dazhuan), meaning, "The sun and moon rise day after day," the characters were chosen to encourage students to learn new knowledge every day.结构:Taken from ..., meaning ..., the characters were chosen to do 尚书大传Great Comments on the Book of Documents (Shangshu dazhuan)

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