For somebody with a severe and profound loss of mental faculties, the deficit will be shown correspondingly in her brain. Studies using imaging techniques like CAT scans, PET, and fMRI, illustrate that different parts of the brain are active during different parts of mental life. For instance, the difference between seeing words, hearing words, reading words and generating words can correspond to different aspects of what part of your brain is active. To some extent, if we put you in an fMRI scanner and observed what you’re doing in real time, by looking at the activity patterns in your brain we can tell whether you are thinking about music or thinking about sex. To some extent we can tell whether you’re solving a moral dilemma versus something else. And this is no surprise if what we are is the workings of our physical brains, but it is extremely difficult to explain if one is a dualist
对于严重丧失智力的人来说,我们可以看到她在大脑相应部位的损伤。应用电脑断层扫描,正电子发射断层扫描,以及功能性核磁共振成像等成像技术的研究,可以表明不同的心理活动会激活不同的大脑区域。例如看到词句、听到词句、阅读词句、创造词旬这些不同的活动,会激活你不同的大脑区 核磁共振成像扫描来观察你的实时活动,通过观察你的大脑活动模式我们可以看出你是想到了音乐,还是想到了性。在某种程度上 域。某种程度来讲如果我们对你进行功能性 在解决别的问题。如果我们的本质就是生理 对于二元论者来说,解释这些却是非常困难 我们可以看出你是在解决道德两难问题还是 大脑的活动,那这也就没什么可惊奇的,但 的。