Edward's mother was, naturally, horrified by Robert's marriage. She did
not greatly approve of Edward's engagement to Elinor either, but in the
end was persuaded to accept it, and even, rather unwillingly, gave
Edward ten thousand pounds; she had given the same to Fanny on her
marriage. This was much more than was expected by Edward and Elinor, who
could now afford to marry very soon, and move into the vicar's house at Delaford.
从这段文字可以看出,书中人物的动机多与财富和社会地位相关。露西意识到罗伯特将继承其母亲的财产后,迅速与他秘密结婚,这凸显了露西的自私和对物质的追求。而爱德华的母亲对儿子与埃莉诺的订婚并不认可,但最终还是给了爱德华一万英镑,这一情节反映了当时社会家庭关系中的金钱交易本质。 文中对人物心理和行为的描写十分细腻。爱德华母亲对罗伯特婚姻的恐惧,以及对爱德华订婚的勉强接受,都展示了在社会习俗和家庭期望下,个人情感和意愿的压抑。 这段内容反映了当时社会的现实:婚姻往往被用作获取财富和地位的手段。作者通过这些情节,深刻地批判了这种功利的社会风气,同时也展现了书中主要人物在这种环境下如何挣扎与抉择。