The letters were finished, and sent to the post. During the rest of the evening, Marianne appeared very agitated. She ate almost nothing, and seemed to be anxiously listening to the sound of every carriage. Suddenly after dinner there was a knock on the front door, and Marianne jumped up, moving eagerly towards the sitting-room door. She could not help crying, 'Oh Elinor, it is Willoughby!' and seemed almost ready to throw herself into his arms, when Colonel Brandon entered. 去书内

  • 张芸瑞 张芸瑞

    文中玛丽安焦急地等待着威洛比的到来,她的激动与不安被刻画得淋漓尽致。她无心用餐,时刻留意着门外的动静,听到敲门声便迫不及待地冲过去,错把上校当成威洛比时的那份急切令人感同身受。这种对爱情的热烈渴望与书中埃莉诺内敛的感情形成鲜明对比。 从这段情节可以看出作者对人物情感的精准把握。玛丽安的冲动和情绪化,使她在爱情面前毫无保留。同时,埃莉诺的理智与沉稳也通过她对玛丽安行为的观察和思考得以体现。 这段情节不仅是个人情感的展现,更反映了当时社会背景下女性在爱情中的被动与期待。作者通过细腻的描写,让读者沉浸于角色的情绪之中,感受她们的喜怒哀乐,这也是《理智与情感》这部作品经久不衰的魅力所在。

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