have a sibling who has a short fuse, they slightly more often get their way and that's exactly this idea. They have short fuses, the fact that they tend to blow up and get angry at you gives them a little bit of an advantage. 去书内

  • 用户738371 用户738371

    As I delved deeper into game theory, I was particularly captivated by the idea of iterated games and the evolution of strategies. The repeated interactions between players can lead to the emergence of cooperation, even among self-interested individuals. This concept gives me hope. It suggests that trust and collaboration can evolve over time, even in a world of initial suspicion and self-interest. The application of game theory to real-world scenarios has been both enlightening and sobering. From understanding how oligopolies form in markets to how nations engage in arms races, game theory offers a powerful analytical tool. It has also been used to explain phenomena as diverse as the stability of marriage, the dynamics of public goods provision, and the evolution of species. This breadth of application is a testament to the versatility of game theory.

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