The hill was covered on its northern side by an ancient and decaying plantation of beeches, whose upper verge formed a line over the crest, fringing its arched curve against the sly, like a mane. 去书内

  • 范梦鸽 范梦鸽

    The author's outstanding skills of describing is not restricted to portrait but also the nature secenary.He can represent the hills and trees as humans .It shows us a grand and peaceful picture in the countryside at midnight.

    2016-04-08 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 吴嘉彤 吴嘉彤

    The author is good at describing the scenery of countryside.Using different kinds of verbs and rhetorical devices,the author describe a peaceful and picturesque scenery.

    2015-11-18 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 戴誉香 戴誉香

    This sentence discribe the surroundings and environment,which is quiet and peaceful.

    2015-10-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)