manner, on a damp autumn evening. When my servant had left the room, after I had dined, I asked myself what I was going to do. I walked up and down my room for some time, feeling tired without any reason for it, unable to work, and even without energy to read. A fine rain was falling, and I felt unhappy, a prey to one of those fits of despondency, without any apparent cause which makes us feel inclined to cry, or to talk, no matter to whom, so as to shake off our depressing thoughts. I felt that I was alone, and my rooms seemed to me to be more 去书内

  • 17行知班黄文兰 17行知班黄文兰

    在我吃完饭后,当我的仆人离开房间时,我问自己接下来要去做什么。我在房间里来回走了一会儿,无缘无故地觉得累了,没法工作,甚至没精力去读书。一场细雨正下着,我觉得有些烦闷,是一种失去勇气的折磨,没有什么明显的原因,不是那种为了摆脱掉我们郁闷的情绪而感到不管对谁都想哭、想说话的原因。 我感觉自己独自一人,我的房间看起来前所未有的空荡,同时我被一种无穷的、无法抵抗的孤独感包围着。

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