The speaker of whom I have just cited a sentence was able to affirm, without arousing violent protestations, that bankers and priests had subsidised the throwers of bombs, and that the directors of t 去书内

  • 刘子轩 刘子轩

    That's quite the point. The patterns used in different situations are the same, which indicate the reality of persuading. However, if we give some more consideration, sorrowful will we be for almost every disciplines aiming for a general theory tries to unify our speech pattern--just substitute each variable with certain words, and with certain confine on the words, everything is as effective as it originally was. The pain is, that we can never reject a general system but insist on the fragile models, as ancient Chinese did. The only solution seems to be composing our turning to theory and focus on the objects themselves. Also in this way we can evade being fooled by the eloquence of leaders.

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