When an unknown speaker comes forward with a speech containing good arguments, but only arguments, the chances are that he will only obtain a hearing. 去书内

  • 王德政15355095 王德政15355095

    The author compares the prosperity of the United States and the pitiable state of anarchy of the Spanish-American Republics under the similar democratic institutions demonstrating that a notion can only be well developing when it finds its own suitable way like a person can only feel happy and improve in a relationship when he finds the suitable love one if one finds the unsuitable one he will feel unhappy in the relationship and may eventually ends it. Also China is a good example to illustrate this point. China finds the suitable way and make great improvement. So finding the suitable way is of great importance.

    2016-04-18 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 刘子轩 刘子轩

    A theory not only has to meet well with truth, but also has to sound nice when put into practice.

    2015-11-07 喜欢(0) 回复(0)