It is true that the author of these laws is a specialist who has prepared them in the quiet of his study, and that in reality the law voted is the work of an individual and not of an assembly. 去书内

  • 王德政15355095 王德政15355095

    Crowds are sentimental as a whole. As a result, figurative statements, large-scale accidents and shockingly immense statistics seized their attentions easiest by delivering a general and clear image to the multitude. In my point of view, the rule of impressing the imagination of crowds can not only be applied to politics but also useful in art and business field. Better understanding of the mass’ minds will surely help artists’ works grow more striking, advertisers’ ads more attractive and traders’ strategy more profitable. Not for govern or control them, but for fully make use of the pure magic of psychology.

    2016-04-18 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 刘子轩 刘子轩

    Will this make space for who drafts the law to enforce it? For we have no competitor against them or substitute to the law once it's proposed, with merits promised by the legislator--there seems to be no way to deny it until it's put into practice. Who drafts the law controls it in some sense.

    2015-11-08 喜欢(0) 回复(0)