The wife had discovered that the husband was carrying on an intrigue with a French girl, who had been a governess in their family, and she had announced to her husband that she could not go on living 去书内

  • 曾丽珠 曾丽珠

        Nowadays,temptation can  be  seen  everywhere.There is no doult that temptation is attractive to  us.Under the temptation of money, power,fame and

    woman's beauty,plenty of  government officials are arrested because of corruption,a lot of bussinessmen are arrested because they break the rules,and quantities of men have affairs just like the host.Many men have affairs just because they are attractive to the feeling of freshness,after which they may regret their momentary impulse.But it is too late,because their family will have been hurt by their act.So, we 'd better learn to  refuse improper temptation.

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