A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. 去书内

  • 王书仪15324072 王书仪15324072

    She demanded that her accompanies should make all the white roses red.

    2016-06-15 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 任苇航 任苇航

    I read the reviews of this part by others who thought it's strange or ridiculous to paint the white rose red which really annoys me for the reason that this was a imaginative idea created by Alice's fabulous mind when she in the garden where she wondered why not paint whites red in real life.

    2016-04-15 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 邓沚茵 邓沚茵

    It is ridiculous to print the white rose into red.

    2016-03-22 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 梁胤贤 梁胤贤

    I think the white roses are very beautiful, having a different kind of beauty from the one that the red roses have, and are rare to be seen. Why deliberately paint them red?

    2016-01-20 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 李悦15302011 李悦15302011

    I think that white roses are beautiful enough.Why bother to paint them red?It is so strange.

    2015-12-25 喜欢(0) 回复(0)