They tell us what things are, only or principally by telling us their relations, or assigning predicates to subjects; and therefore they never tell us all that can be said about a thing, even when th 去书内

  • 何光琦 何光琦

    Aletheia is being hidden.What is worse, it seems as if we have known about the real relation of things as little as the thing in itself

    2016-04-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 蔡典 蔡典

    Actually, it's like what Martin Heidegger said in his magnum opus Sein und Zeit.We gain our knowledge about a thing only through a peculiar point of view, then we cannot know the thing itself.

    2016-01-04 喜欢(0) 回复(0)