if the matches are not made by the mutual choice of the parties, some of them may chance to be very unhappy. "And so they may," answer'd my informer, "if you let the parties chuse for themselves;" which, indeed, I could not deny 去书内

  • VAE° VAE°

    Nowadays, most youngsters are opposed to parents deciding their marriages. But as the book says, even if two young people make their own decisions, they may not be happy. I agree with this view, because when two people are in love, they are likely to be addicted to love and can not judge things objectively and rationally, so this may lead to a failed marriage. Although the parents did not personally experience the love between the two young people, but they have enough experience, and also hope that their children can live happily, so I think it is necessary for parents to participate in the marriage. Maybe young people will dislike their parents' nagging and nitpicking, but I think it's better to choose the right person based on their suggestions than fail to achieve long-term happiness only based on their own preferences.

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