"To the little girl in the attic. From a friend." 去书内

  • 李思豫 李思豫

    Life is just like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get. There are many chances to encounter a big surprise. As is always mentioned, God closed a door and will open another window for you. And this unknown friend is this 'window', when despairing, confused and exhausted, he gives Sara the flaring spark in her homelessness. And it is also this power that continue the dream of a princess. Though the malicious threats of the real world can be seen in many aspects, a little flare of kindness and humanity can lighten others'life, even if only a little spark. That is enough! Thank you, unknown friend, you are the most lovely angel, Sara must have said to herself, I suppose.

    2016-04-07 喜欢(0) 回复(0)