"All right, then, I'll go to hell" — and tore it up 去书内

  • 十二是十二 十二是十二

    在这一段,运用少年侃的写作手法,这种手法很少见到。“Skaz” is a literary term derived from Russian, and “teenage skaz” can be translated into Chinese as “少年侃" , which is written in the first person and told to the readers in an oral language, while at the same time constantly talking about their feelings. “Teenage skaz” is a kind of writing skill, which is characterized by colloquial(口语化), simple vocabulary, ungrammatical structure and so on. 这一句话就用到了修辞手法:夸张。

    2021-01-03 喜欢(0) 回复(0)