Although the Renaissance was their true golden age, until about a hundred years ago generals and soldiers fought, for the most part, on the side and in the interest of him who paid them best. The pretext and sham virtue of "higher purposes" had not yet been invented; if indeed the soldiers of the Middle Ages did not fight on the side of the Turks, they were restrained only by their common feelings as Christians—Europe was fighting against Asia. 去书内

  • 用户615157 用户615157

    The author proposed that in the Middle Age, the crusaders fought Turks in defence of Christianity instead of for money. Not until about 100 years ago did soldier fight on the side and in the interest of him who offered the best salary. However, according to some documentaries that I watched, those crusaders, on sacking a city or a village, they started plundering, burning, pillaging and raping, which were altogether contrast to the doctrine/ dictated by Christianity. Wars are usually dominated by men. Do men value their honor more than their life? For me, I would rather the man I love to live rather than die for honor.

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