Later on, during the Thirty Years' War, the disputed matters of religious belief, which were the basic causes of the struggle, prevented nobody from taking the side which happened to be profitable. At no other time has the cynicism born of the opportunity to gain, loot, and brawl flourished with more unbridled license than during the Wars of Religion, when both sides inscribed the name of God on their banners. Bravery was then an article of merchandise which was sold to the highest bidder. Tilly was a Belgian, Piccolomini was an Italian, and Wallenstein met his death at the hands of Scottish and Irish hirelings. When the battle of Rheinfeldern was fought, the Imperial German army was commanded by the French general, Meroy, and the French army by the German Duke Bernhard of Weimar. 去书内

  • 用户615157 用户615157

    In the Middle Age as well as the Religious War, most of Europeans fought for him who paid the best. They fought for interests and gains. Only a few staunch believers fought for their religion. However, in the Middle Ages, the sham virtue had not yet been invented. In the Religious War, people used the name of God to justify their own petty interests.

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