'Well, when I met him, I said, “Colonel, I hear there is a new family at Barton Cottage, and mama says the girls are very pretty, and that one of them is engaged to Mr Willoughby. Is it true?” And he said nothing, but from his expression I knew it was certain. Of course, I have known Coloner Brandon a long time. I believe,' she added in a low voice, 'he would have been very glad to marry me if he could. But mama did not think him a good enough husband for me. In any case, I am much happier as I am. Mr Palmer is just the kind of man I like.' 去书内

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    ①达什伍德太太:他不是不想回来,他是没能力接受我的邀请。 ②达什伍德太太:我无论如何也不会去问这样的问题。要是他们真的没有订婚,那我这一问会给她造成多大的痛苦啊!不管怎样,这样做都太刻薄了。她现在不愿对任何人透露的事情,如果我硬逼她说出来,那今后我就再也不值得她信任了。我懂玛丽安的心,我知道她非常爱我,如果条件允许,她可以公布真相的话,我绝不会是最后一个知道的。我不想强迫任何人向我吐露秘密,尤其是自己的孩子。出于对我的孝心,她会把原本不想说的话也说出来。 ③埃莉诺:我不需要他们相爱的证据,但需要他们订婚的证据。 ④埃莉诺:但我不会那样褊狭,仅仅因为对方和自己见解不同,或者不如我想的那样正确,那样前后一致,就质疑对方的行为。 ⑤玛丽安:是呀。我的感情不是人们常有的,也常常不被大家理解。不过,有时候我也会遇到知音。

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